Wikipedia Buttons for Edit-a-thon

Wikipedia Buttons for Edit-a-thon at THATCamp Gainesville 2015

For a Wikipedia Edit-a-thon related to the UF Samuel Proctor Oral History Program (SPOHP) and/or other UF Digital Collections, possibly including the Florida NOW!

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About Laurie

I'm the Digital Scholarship Librarian at the University of Florida. My work focuses on socio-technical (people, policies, technologies, communities) needs for scholarly cyberinfrastructure. I work heavily with the Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC) where I am the Digital Scholarship Director, LibraryPress@UF where I am the Editor-in-Chief, the Digital Humanities Working Group with the DH Graduate Certificate, and Research Computing, with these and other activities geared towards enabling a culture of radical collaboration that values and supports diversity and inclusivity.

1 Response to Wikipedia Buttons for Edit-a-thon

  1. Very excited for this event; it’s about time we learned to create and not just consume the hive mind.

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